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I bought this particular for my son's 3 rd birthday after researching numerous other play teepees. From Dream House, this is the very cute teepee design tent with Native American graphics to make that look like the real offer. Keeping with our tradition regarding loving all things Swedish, there are a choice of cloth including a lovely traditional cowboy scene (shown inside top image), a traditional Swedish Dala Horse pattern cloth or African sunset (shown above), a girly butterflies garden or a vivid multicoloured striped fabric (shown below).
With flowers across the door and a joyful frog ready to provide a warm welcome, this particular traditional canvas play tent is easy to set up and will look equally at home' indoors or in the garden. It has managed not in order to break even when my a few yr old daughter has climbed up the bamboo rods plus bounced on them plus my husband has chosen up the teepee with the two children in this and pretended to become a tornado.
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Посетители – 28-сентябрь-17 04:48


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Гости – 06-октябрь-17 22:38
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Up to date: I've updated this list in 2016 for a new arrival in the wonderful world of kids tipi tents. On a warm summer day, you might create a tent or teepee in the backyard for an outdoor wee teepee adventure. It's extremely easy one-time set up, easy to fold and store, and also super easy to disassemble for storage area or cleaning the fabric. It's about comfort and coziness as you create a perfect play or rest spot for your children.
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That is one of the hottest and hottest make of teepees for sale (available here) and for one feature that stands out above all (continue reading to find out why!). What makes the B teepee tent just a little unique of all others? This kids tepee is suitable as both a kids inside teepee tent kids teepee and a kids outdoor teepee and comes with a free carry case. Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) is something Amazon offers vendors that lets them store their products in Amazon's warehouses, and Amazon directly does indeed the picking, packing, delivery and customer support on these things.


Посетители – 08-октябрь-17 17:09


Гости – 01-ноябрь-17 00:48
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